Our hits!
Green apple cooler
Lemon iced tea
Mint mojito
Adrak elaichi chai
Tamarind twist
Cold coffee
Green apple cooler
Lemon iced tea
Mint mojito
Adrak elaichi chai
Tamarind twist
Cold coffee
Green apple cooler
Lemon iced tea
Mint mojito
Adrak elaichi chai
Tamarind twist
Cold coffee
Green apple cooler
Adrak elaichi chai
Lemon iced tea
Tamarind twist
Mint mojito
Cold coffee
Our hits!
Green apple cooler
Green apple cooler
Green apple cooler
Green apple cooler
Green apple cooler
Green apple cooler
Lemon iced tea
Lemon iced tea
Lemon iced tea
Lemon iced tea
Lemon iced tea
Lemon iced tea
Mint mojito
Mint mojito
Mint mojito
Mint mojito
Mint mojito
Mint mojito
Adrak elaichi chai
Adrak elaichi chai
Adrak elaichi chai
Adrak elaichi chai
Adrak elaichi chai
Adrak elaichi chai
Tamarind twist
Tamarind twist
Tamarind twist
Tamarind twist
Tamarind twist
Tamarind twist
Cold coffee
Cold coffee
Cold coffee
Cold coffee
Cold coffee
Cold coffee
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Get your groove on with every sip at
Coldplay offers a refreshing escape into a world of innovative, handcrafted drinks designed to elevate your taste experience and keep you grooving with every sip.
Our hits!
Clear sip
Clear sip
Clear sip
Clear sip
Clear sip
Clear sip
Clear cans with authentic beverages!
Clear cans with authentic beverages!
Clear cans with authentic beverages!
Clear cans with authentic beverages!
Clear cans with authentic beverages!
Clear cans with authentic beverages!
Vibe in a can
Vibe in a can
Vibe in a can
Vibe in a can
Vibe in a can
Vibe in a can
What's life without a little fun?
What's life without a little fun?
What's life without a little fun?
What's life without a little fun?
What's life without a little fun?
What's life without a little fun?
Refreshing remix
Refreshing remix
Refreshing remix
Refreshing remix
Refreshing remix
Refreshing remix
Your usual beverages, with a surprise!
Your usual beverages, with a surprise!
Your usual beverages, with a surprise!
Your usual beverages, with a surprise!
Your usual beverages, with a surprise!
Your usual beverages, with a surprise!
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Follow us on instagram
Not just a beverage but
Refreshing remix
Your usual beverages, with a surprise!
Vibe in a can
What's life without a little fun?
Clear sip
Clear cans with authentic beverages!
Ever wish your drinks could
A remix of flavours to keep your rhythm going. Not just a beverage but
a whole vibe!
A remix of flavours to keep your rhythm going. Not just a beverage but
a whole vibe!
A remix of flavours to keep your rhythm going. Not just a beverage but
a whole vibe!
A remix of flavours to keep your rhythm going. Not just a beverage but
a whole vibe!
Coldplay offers a refreshing escape into a world of innovative, handcrafted drinks designed to elevate your taste experience and keep you grooving with every sip.
Get your groove on with every sip at
Get your groove on with every sip at
Get your groove on with every sip at
Get your groove on with every sip at
Get your groove on with every sip at
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